Featured Products

Deciding what product should be featured on its own page is like choosing which chocolate dessert is your favorite. It's chocolate, so it's going to be good no matter what form it is in. We've chosen to highlight several of our thread lines and notions as featured. This page is updated on a regular schedule and the chosen products are rotated so we can feature new products, staff favorites, and customer's top picks. Whether you quilt on a home machine or longarm machine, sew clothing or pillows, serge, embroider, or hand piece, we welcome you to view our featured products.



100 wt. polyester thread
Excellent for quilting and applique

King Tut

King Tut

40 wt. cotton thread
Excellent for quilting

Home Machine Needles

Home Machine Needles

Titanium-coated needles
Topstitch and Microtex Needles



50 wt. cotton thread
Excellent for quilting and sewing

SuperBobs Cotton

SuperBOBS Cotton

50 wt. cotton thread
Class 15 and L-style prewound bobbins

Superior Metallics

Superior Metallics

40 wt. metallic thread
Excellent for embroidery and quilting